
17 Taui St
Ngongotaha 3010

Opening Hours:

Mon-Fri: 08.00 am – 5.00 pm (excluding public holidays) 

Nurse Consultations

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Flu Vaccines

From early April each year (for a specified period), immunisation is free for New Zealanders aged 65+, pregnant women, children and adults under 65 who have certain medical conditions.

Cervical Smears

We recommend cervical smears for all women from 25 years of age. Our nurses performing cervical smears are qualified smear takers. Some women may be eligible for a free smear so ask when you call. 

Blood Pressure

Your doctor may prescribe some medication to help manage your blood pressure, this will require regular blood pressure checks with a nurse to make sure the medication is working correctly


Our nurses can support you when you want to quit. We can provide NRT products such as patches, gum and lozenges.


We have a recall system to help you to schedule when you are due for routine checks such as blood tests, smears, mammograms, and immunisations

Diabetic Management

It is important for all people with diabetes to get an annual checkup  (your treatment provider may recommend you have more regular checkups). It may be helpful to schedule your check in the month of your birthday each year as this is often a good way of remembering when it is due.


If you are over 40 years of age and have not had a previous free cardiovascular risk assessment please call our nurses for more information about this service and to make an appointment.


We have nurses trained to administer infusions to patients as recomended by a doctor. These include iron and aclasta infusions