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In New Zealand, General Practice is the centre of the community health system. Our doctors and nurses at Ngongotaha medical Centre are passionate about general practice and how this community service can give you and your family the best medical care and support. We can support you as you manage your illness but can also provide assistance as you set lifestyle goals to maintain good health.
Doctor Consultations
We offer doctor and nurse appointments each work day between 8.30 am and 4.30 pm.
If you need a repeat prescription, please call our nurses on 073571030 and select option 2.
Ngongotaha Medical Centre, we provide the medical review for various medical requirements.
Vaccinations are offered to babies, children and adults to protect against serious and preventable diseases.
Nurse Consultations
We have a recall system to help you to schedule when you are due for routine checks such as blood tests, immunisations and a wide range of services to assist to manage your health.
Travel medicine
If you are travelling overseas, please ask to see our Travel Nurses. They are trained and have experience in travel medicine to assist with your travel medicine requirements.
Minor surgery
We have a small dedicated theatre where we can perform a range of small surgical services such as cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen) and assessment of skin lesions.
Maternity / Contraception / Sexual health
If you have any concerns about sexual health and sexuality, to discuss contraception, to get a check up or for any other issue, we can help